Day 14- Sieglinde's farewell
Good Evening Opera Lovers! Today I left New York. Today is also my last blog post. It has been so fun working with NYDV for the last two...
Day 14- Sieglinde's farewell
Day 13 - It's the day of the show y'all
Day 12 - A magical, musical, and mom-ical Friday
Day 11- Final Dress Rehearsal
Day 10- Friends that last forever
Day 9 - NYDV Gym open 24 hours
Day 8 - Tech week begins!
Day 7 - Did somebody say guacamole?
Day 6 - Congrats all on a successful first week!
Day 5 - Any woman can be a goddess
Day 4- Even barbells need coffee
Day 2 - Gypsies, Mermaids, and Ramen
First day of school
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